Package Discount

Hi Raphael,

we are re-structuring our memberships and want to give some members a 50% discount or even 100% on the package costs. What would be the best way to do this? Setting the custom price “manually” or is there a possibility for %-price reduction for the package costs somehow?

Thanks in advance,

Hey Sebastian!

No, there is no %-discount for packages right now. You can either give them a custom price when you assign them the package or you can create copies of the packages with adjusted prices.

Ok, so i got it right.
We want to create a new type of memberships for groups, with discounts for the additional group members (for example: 1st Person 100%, 2nd-x Person 50%).

So it would be nice to have some kind of features in the future helping us to realize this kind of group memberships.

Thanks for your help!