New in Fabman: multi-language member portal
As of today, the Fabman member portal is available in multiple languages! Well, two languages, for now. But there’ll be more!

Changing which language you see
Fabman automatically chooses a language based on each member’s browser settings. But every member can also select a different language on their profile page in the Member Portal.

What languages are available?
For starters, we’ve added a German version of the Member Portal. And now that we’ve laid the groundwork, it’s straightforward to add additional languages. It’s as simple as copying a Google spreadsheet and filling in the translated texts. For example, here’s the German translation file. If you want to have the Member Portal in your native language and are willing to help us maintain that translation let us know in the comments or send us an email.
Other changes
As always, we’ve released several other improvements and fixes over the past month:
- We’ve tried to improve how new account owners are guided through setting up Fabman.
- Booking calendar: The arrow buttons now jump back exactly as many days as you can see in your window (between one and seven) instead of only moving the view by one day.
- We’ve improved a few of the error messages that are shown when someone tries to switch on or book equipment but is denied.
- You can now edit an equipment’s metadata on its detail page – not just via the API.
- Fixed an error message when manually adding charges to a member.
- Fix: The package list in the admin portal didn’t show more than 50 packages. (Kudos to anyone who maintains that many packages…)
- Fix: The note editor’s toolbar buttons didn’t fit into one tidy row on some pages.
- We’ve fixed an issue that caused some browsers to choke if you tried to create a single invoice with hundreds of charges.
- We’ve fixed an issue when trying to add additional spaces to a Plus plan account.
Give these improvements a try and let us know what you think! What do you like? Which additional languages would you like to see in the future?
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at