we offer for our members two hours of free machine usage in their package. How can we do that with fabman?
Do we have to manualy edit every invoice or is there a way to setup free usage time for package?
thank you
we offer for our members two hours of free machine usage in their package. How can we do that with fabman?
Do we have to manualy edit every invoice or is there a way to setup free usage time for package?
thank you
Hi @Vaco,
there’s no automatic way in Fabman yet, but we’re aware that this is needed for some business models.
Could you tell me more about your situation?
Best regards,
Just my two thought base on FabLab Vancouver’s case:
Does it matter on which machines they use the time?
-Yes it does, we have different free machine time for different machine
Can they split it between machines?
-No, but it will be handy when we have multiple laser cutter, 3D printer etc.
(For example, laser cutters share the same pool of free laser cutter time.)
Do all machines cost the same?
-No if they are different kind of mahcine, yes if they are the same kind.
How often do they get those free hours? Once? Every time they pay for the package (eg., monthly)?
-This is actually an important one. Most machine will have a free time per month per member.
However, for us to encourage member plan their usage efficiently, having a free amount of time per “day” per machine per member will be really useful. As this will encourage members to pile up their “laser job (for exanmple)” together and run in one go to safe on some setting up time.
We currently thinking of using the “Don’t charge anything if session is less than xxx seconds long.” to sort of do this, but its not idea since this is a per session based setting, not per day.
I would also give 1 hour free usage per month. Is there already a way?
Hey @Andy_Kopp, welcome to the forum!
It’s not available yet, but it’s the very next thing we’ll ship – so stay tuned!