On the Booking page or on the calendar interface, is it possible to customise the text where it says “There’s a holiday during that time period.”? Or grey out/disable the confirm button to make it clearer possibly? Also at a quick glance the calendar looks available - could holidays be greyed out?
Having set in the Package Rules, that a member only has access during opening hours, maybe here we could specify “Can book during holidays?”, or when setting up the specific holiday, where we already specify “Admin only” etc.
For us, we have no out-of-hour members, so a holiday means no access. Unfortunately people seem to be getting confused if we don’t spell it out for them!
Yeah, we’ve thought about showing holidays in the booking calendar. But it gets tricky to solve this efficiently. As you’ve said, it depends on the holiday and on a member’s package whether they can book a particular time slot during a holiday.
It’s definitely something we want to do, but we haven’t yet figured out a clean way to present the information without being confusing.
I haven’t checked for myself, but I assume a not-full-day holiday notification is treated the same way.
I’ve a meeting Wednesday for instance 12:30 to 14:30 - and will close the lab to go. I guess it just says “there’s a holiday during that period”? It’d be useful to show the times in that case.
Any update with this? ie. Showing holidays as unavailable on calendars graphically.
To avoid confusion as much as possible, would be possible to see the holidays as greyed out blocks for instance?
HI, we have the same problem. We have events from time to time, where the whole space is closed for members and instead of booking every equipment it is easier to book a holiday, but unfortunately it does not say in the booking calendar that there is a holiday or event.
Is there another way to book the whole space to one member (no admin) at once?