Fabman Ultimaker 2/2+ Integration

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to share how I managed to integrate our Ultimaker 2+ with the FabMan System.

First of all, 2 pins of the Ultimaker Mainboard were connected to to Input 1 of the FabMan bridge. I used the EXT IO port (GND and digital pin 38):

(More information on the Ultiboard can be found here: Ultimaker2/1091_Main_board_v2.1.1_(x1)/Main Board V2.1.1.pdf at master · Ultimaker/Ultimaker2 · GitHub)

The Ultimaker Firmware must then be changed such as that the digital pin 38 is set to high when a print job started from SD-Card begins (i.e., after heating up), and to low when it is finished (or aborted).

Source Code: UM2.1-Firmware/Marlin at UM2.1_JarJar · Ultimaker/UM2.1-Firmware · GitHub

add 3 lines to cardreader.cpp, to the startFileprint() and printinHasFinished() methods :

void CardReader::startFileprint()
    sdprinting = true;
    pause = false;
	   enquecommand_P(PSTR("M42 P38 S255")); // FABMAN
void CardReader::printingHasFinished()
  sdprinting = false;
  pause = false;
  enquecommand_P(PSTR("M400")); // FABMAN
  enquecommand_P(PSTR("M42 P38 S0")); // FABMAN

add 2 lines to UltiLCD2_menu_print.cpp at the end of the abortPrint() function:

static void abortPrint()
    enquecommand_P(PSTR("M400")); // FABMAN
    enquecommand_P(PSTR("M42 P38 S0")); // FABMAN

The firmware is then compiled and uploaded to the Mainboard with the Arduino IDE (Arduino/Genuino Mega or Mega 2560) over USB.


Awesome idea, @walterw!
Thank you for sharing this solution. :ok_hand:

Dear all,

I found better locations to put those additional lines into; only one file needs to be changed: ltiLCD2_menu_print.cpp
Simply add these 3 lines at the end of the functions doStartPrint() and abortPrint()

static void doStartPrint()
enquecommand_P(PSTR(“M42 P38 S255”)); // FABMAN

static void abortPrint()
enquecommand_P(PSTR(“M400”)); // FABMAN
enquecommand_P(PSTR(“M42 P38 S0”)); // FABMAN

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