Fabman Exhaust Connector

So I was looking up how the Prevent operation without exhaust filter option works.
Found the following documentation

But when I look in the shop for the exhaust connector, there is none.

So my questions are.
Is it a fabman product ?
If not, under what name should I search for it ?

The Fabman Exhaust Connector is unfortunately no longer available.

However, there’s an easy DIY alternative. You can simply tap into the busy signal from the connection between the laser cutter and the exhaust system and connect it to the Fabman Bridge.

You can use an adapter cable like this one:

Available here: Reichelt or Amazon

Then use this terminal block so you don’t need to solder anything:

Available here: Reichelt or Amazon

Here’s the pinout for the exhaust system:

You can then connect GND (PIN 9) and the busy signal (PIN 2) or the filter alarm (PIN 3) on the screw terminals to the digital inputs on the Bridge (IN1 or IN2, respectively):

In the Bridge configuration, you need to set Input 1 to “Machine status (busy/idle)” and Input 2 to “Exhaust filter status.” That should do it.

The current status of the filter can only be read indirectly. If the Bridge detects a filter alarm, it shuts down with a special stop type (filter). For example, you can trigger a specific action via a webhook in the Activity Log for this stop type. In our case, we send an email notification.

I hope this helps!