Error: unknown key when user booked equipment

I have a user that booked an equipment without issue, but when he tried to activate it via the bridge it said unknown key.

  • Disconnected reconnected the bridge, did not help.
  • Admin could activate without issue. Could not “overwrite” the activation.
  • In equipment history, user isn’t recognized (logical) but error is present
  • Asked user to sign-out sign-in on his phone. Did not help.

Any idea why it gave this error ?

Hey Patrik,

“unknown key” usually means that the keycard the user swiped on the bridge is not assigned to any member, so Fabman does not know which member is trying to use the equipment. (And this is unrelated to whether there is a booking or not.)

Can you send more details (which account, member, equipment, and time) to so we can take a closer look?

Hi Raphael,

Forgot to say that they don’t use keycards but directly the QR code reader from their fabman account on their phone.

I sent the mail.
Thanks for the help

So a little update.

FabMan doesn’t recognize the mobile device even when user is connected to their fabman account on it.

So the error makes sense. But did not found any solutions yet…
Closing all the pages and signing-out and singing-in again doesn’t work.

It sounds like the issue I reported where the Fabman registers the NFC chip within the phone when the user tries to scan the Qr-code with the camera. It should now be possible to deactivate the NFC reader within the Fabman in the settings to avoid this.

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You can try to keep a larger distance to the Fabman when scanning the Qr code to see if this is the issue.

See this thread

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I will check with the user next time.

Unfortunately I cannot disable the NFC as admins are using cards for ease of use and maintenance.

Thanks for the help.

The option explicitly only disables the scanning of unknown keys, so you should still be able to use this option, even if your admins have keys.

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