Error in Self Signin Setup

Google took down my previous form of self sign in.

I am trying to setup a new one but I have an errors.

In Field mappings, when I give Inital package, the options do not show up in Package mappings.

I get the following error message
TypeError: names is not iterable

Is it user error or script error ?

Hey Patrik,

I looked at the error and this happens if the plugin cannot determine the package options from your form.

It must be related to how you have set up your “Initial package” form question. Can you send me a screenshot and more details on how you have configured your form?

It is in french so I hope it is not an issue. I can translate if need be.

Field mappings:

Initial package form

PS: I can also send a collaborator edit link by mail if you want.

I’ve released a new version of the plugin yesterday that fixes some minor things. Could you retry it? (“Update data from Google Forms” and then “Validate settings”)

If that does not help (which is likely) then yes, please send an invite to

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It did work.
Thanks for the help!

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